The Veterans of the Vietnam War & The Veterans Coalition is a Veterans benevolent organization founded in 1978, born out of a need to have the service and special needs of War Veterans recognized and acknowledged. Traditional Veterans organizations were unwilling to accept the service of Vietnam Veterans, as well as Veterans of other eras.
Today, The Veterans Coalition comprises of 90 posts worldwide sustaining the mission of the organization.
Our Mission:
The Veterans Coalition continues to strive through its many programs to maintain, improve, preserve and defend the quality of life of all veterans and their families.
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Programs Include:
* United Veterans Beacon House are a transitional homeless veteran housing and reintegration program.
* Military Support Package Project for military serving overseas and Support Packages to veteran families, Veteran Service Officers (VSOs)
* Veterans in Conflict with the Law (Incarcerated Veterans).
* Team Veteran Leader (a competitive military adventure racing team).
* Veteran information services, casework assistance, counseling resources and referral, 24-hour 1-800-VIETNAM phone line.
* Veteran Leader newsletter, VVnW web sites, Education and Scholarship Programs, FIND-* A-VET Locator program to help reunite Vietnam era veterans, Flag Awareness and community services.
The Veterans Coalition is recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c) (19) non-profit veterans service organization with a federal ID #23-2151579 and manages the Veterans Fund of the United States with an IRS determination of 501 (c) (3) and ID #23-287794. |